Just Us & Injustice
Gaming, Comic Books Ken Gaming, Comic Books Ken

Just Us & Injustice

My darling husband decided he'd be nice to me and buy me a copy of Injustice 2 for no other reason than he thought I'd enjoy it (if only he'd stop playing Friday The 13th for long enough for me to get a go on it.)You see kids, part of the fun of Netherrealm games is going through every single character and checking out their stats and playability, their moves (and how devastating they are) and how impressive they look.

What, just me?


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Holy Lego Bricks, Batman - The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
Film, Comic Books, Gaming Ken Film, Comic Books, Gaming Ken

Holy Lego Bricks, Batman - The Lego Batman Movie (2017)

Everyone has their own favourite take on the Batman character (and they will talk a lot about why their favourite is the 'right' one, ignoring every other Batman presented before them.) So it's quite rewarding to watch a film that brings the best of every Batman together, clicking the pieces into one functional and enjoyable whole.

Just like Lego really.

Well...that was an easy segue.

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Farewell, X-Men
Comic Books, Queer, Film, Gaming Ken Comic Books, Queer, Film, Gaming Ken

Farewell, X-Men

It's been a while since I've read comics properly. Real-life got in the way (real-life leaning towards a brain tumour and multiple surgeries and chemotherapy and radiotherapy.) I just didn't have the time for fantasy and drama and fiction any longer.

That broke my heart. The X-Men were and are a powerful metaphor for life for many reasons.

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Feminist, Moi?
Books, TV, Writing, Film, Gaming, Comic Books, Queer Ken Books, TV, Writing, Film, Gaming, Comic Books, Queer Ken

Feminist, Moi?

I don't think about feminism a lot. Call it male privilege if you like. That's not to say that I haven't considered myself a feminist, I've just never really considered my opinion important.

Here's the thing: I'm a white guy living in a country in western Europe. I'm a gay guy with no sisters who went to a boys' school. There are questions about being a woman, about being a feminist that have never touched me, and I've never felt the need to address. Because here, on our little island on the fringes of the Atlantic, feminism is a weird scary thing that weeves in and out of legislation that I just don't want to go near.

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Talkin' About Tolkien
Books, Writing, Film, Gaming Ken Books, Writing, Film, Gaming Ken

Talkin' About Tolkien

Spending a lot of time at home recently has given me the solitude to do a lot of things; to get back to building websites and reviewing things and writing about things and...okay, fine, all I've been doing is playing video games, now stop judging me!

It's been a while since I sat down and played any games; a big part of it was nausea and the general awkwardness of my brain after having surgery and various people and chemicals poking at my left hemisphere. But I've played quite a few games recently, and they've gotten me back to a sense of "normal."

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Nathan Drake > Lara Croft - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009)
Gaming Ken Gaming Ken

Nathan Drake > Lara Croft - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009)

There’s a lot that Nathan Drake, star of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves on Sony’s PlayStation 3, has in common with Lara Croft, star of the Tomb Raider series: both make a living from some combination of being an archaeologist, adventurer and historian; both mingle with colleagues who aren’t always the most honest of business partners; and both know how to handle themselves in a fight. We’ve yet to see pictures of Nathan Drake in a clingy top that accentuates his cleavage, so I think it’s safe to say that that’s where the similarities end.

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The Dark Knight Is Nuts - Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
Gaming, Comic Books Ken Gaming, Comic Books Ken

The Dark Knight Is Nuts - Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)

Welcome to Arkham Asylum: check your sanity at reception and settle down for the craziest outing Batman has had in a while.

Developed by the UK-based Rocksteady Games, Batman: Arkham Asylum is the first original game to star the Caped Crusader in over five years (we’re not counting Batman Begins because it was a movie tie-in, and fun as it was, Lego Batman slipped under many a gamer’s radar.) Although graphic novels and mini-series have carried the name of Arkham Asylum, the game has a fairly original story as written by Paul Dini, one of the head writers of the award winning Batman: The Animated Series from the 1990s, and taking its cue from the series, the game is surprisingly deep and mature, while also incredibly fun.

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Flashback Feature: Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Gaming, Comic Books Ken Gaming, Comic Books Ken

Flashback Feature: Marvel Vs Capcom 2

Originally released in 2000 as a coin-op machine in arcades, swiftly followed by a home-console release on both the PS2 and the Dreamcast, Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes is the fourth and last game in a series of fighting games pitting characters from Marvel Comics against heroes and villains from Capcom produced games (just in case you hadn’t figured that much out from the name, of course.)The series stretches all the way back to the mid-1990s, when Capcom were licensed to produce several fighting games based on and including Marvel’s characters, including the X-Men and the Avengers. The first game to be released was 1994’s X-Men: Children Of The Atom, and like many other arcade games of the era, it was ported to the Sega Saturn and PlayStation. Utilising just X-Men characters, both heroes and villains, the game utilised graphics and engines from Capcom’s successful Street Fighter franchise, and was followed up in 1995 by Marvel Super Heroes (released on the same consoles) which took some of the successful characters and broadened the brief to include other Marvel heroes.

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