Stupid Sexy Priestface - Immaculate (2024)
What’s the best thing to do on Holy Thursday?
That’s right, get yourself completely and utterly piss-faced drunk, solely because the pubs are closed at midnight. And now that Ireland doesn’t do that shut-down thing any more, I guess we’re onto option number two: watch a horror film that is associated with the Catholic church.

A Coruña
My first attempt at poetry in about 20+ years.

For Lisa
So I got myself a new tattoo last Thursday, 8 September; like most times either of us were getting tattoos, I sent you a message. Come Saturday, I could see you still hadn’t seen it (the message or the tattoo.) I knew something was up.

Dreams Mean Nothing - The Sandman (2022)
I started to write this piece as a simple review of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, now streaming on Netflix; like the show itself, and the comic series at its origin, it turned into something far bigger, a historical narrative including random characters, with meanings and truths revealed as if from nowhere.
Like dreams, this review has become something more, an essay about writing itself, about narrative, about the consumption of art for both good and evil, and about its very effect on our lives.
Or maybe just mine.

A Hole Lot Of Glory - Glorious (2022)
We need more films about gloryholes; there, I said it.
Although, let’s be honest, said films already exist; they’re just shooting towards a slightly different viewer, a fact that is hard to swallow for some people.

Ravings - How My Brain (Sometimes) Works, The Star Trek Edition

Part Man, Part Spider, No Home - Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Walking out of Spider-Man: No Way Home, I was struck by a lot of things.
With the film opening here in Ireland 15 December, I’m wholly aware that I’ll get to see it before a lot of people: there were signs up in the cinema’s bathroom asking visitors not to discuss the film because staff had not seen yet.
This…does not follow these rules. This is a blog post, from a writer and comic-book fan, talking about a film he’s just seen, dealing with emotion, with narrative, with story-telling…the things I write about.

Zombie Slots - Army Of The Dead (2021)
Heist movies. Yep, we’ve been there. Sure, they were and can be fun to watch, but rarely something that I adore and want to watch again - 2001’s Ocean’s 11, I’m looking right at you. And your totally unnecessary sequels.
Add other elements though, and you might actually get my interest. Give me a narrative in the hands of one of my favourite directors, Zach Snyder and I’m probably going to love.
Add elements like zombies and headshots, and you can have my money.

A Monster Mash - Godzilla Vs Kong (2021)
Like most of the other movies that are, were or have been due for release through 2020 and 2021, the release of Godzilla Vs Kong has turned into something of a mess. Originally due in cinemas November 2020 (cinemas? What are they?), rather than sitting on release for an indefinite period (cough, Disney, cough), the film’s release dates got moved around a bit and then got itself a home release.
That…is not necessarily a good thing, but it’s also not bad: home releasing at least means that your film gets out there, it gets seen and talked about. But it also means that you’re going to miss some of the cinematic experience itself, the grand breaths and comments from the rest of the audience that turn a film from more than just a movie into an experience.
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