For Lisa
So I got myself a new tattoo last Thursday, 8 September; like most times either of us were getting tattoos, I sent you a message. Come Saturday, I could see you still hadn’t seen it (the message or the tattoo.) I knew something was up.

Dreams Mean Nothing - The Sandman (2022)
I started to write this piece as a simple review of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, now streaming on Netflix; like the show itself, and the comic series at its origin, it turned into something far bigger, a historical narrative including random characters, with meanings and truths revealed as if from nowhere.
Like dreams, this review has become something more, an essay about writing itself, about narrative, about the consumption of art for both good and evil, and about its very effect on our lives.
Or maybe just mine.

Ravings - How My Brain (Sometimes) Works, The Star Trek Edition

Queer Filthy Horror- The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula: Resurrection (2020)
I started writing this solely as a review of The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula: Resurrection, touching on queer imagery (and life) within both the arts and day-to-day life, especially around Halloween. That, however, turned into something a hell of a lot grander. Most of the time when watching anything related to the Boulet Brothers, I find myself inspired, challenged (in the good way) and, above all else, comfortable and safe; this is my people and my world, and I want to support and love them every chance I get.
And so, I warn you now: this is going down a rabbit hole. Things are going to get surprisingly personal, which is not what I was expecting.
shrugs Deal with it, motherfuckers.

When The Shit Gets Shitty
You know when you're having one of those days when life is just being a bit of a dick to you?
Yeah, that day's been running for a few months at this stage, like some sort of time-travel of something. I am in Groundhog Day and don't even have the joy of putting up some snow.
Last blog-post, did a video game review thingy; this means I haven't written a shit in...three and a half months. As a guy who wants to write shit, that counts as a fail, doesn't it? I did publish a short story, The Shortest Night, but even I wasn't all that happy with it (because, you know, I have dumb standards of myself.

10 Things About Cancer Treatment Nobody Talks About
I'm a full year out of the madness, 366 days (it's a leap-year after all) on from treatment for a "grade two astrocytoma with grade three elements." It's a posh way of saying I had a brain tumour, and it was sort of cancerous. That's a full year on from feeling like shit every other day, wondering why your body has betrayed you and just how it's going to get worse.
I can now say, with a weird sense of guilt and a weirder sense of terror that "I've gotten better."
Kind of better. I don't want to jinx it.

Let's Talk About Cancer
Today, 4th February is World Cancer Day. So let's take some time away from movies and films and selfies and water charges and talk about cancer.
What's that? You don't want to talk about cancer?
Yeah, tough shit.
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