Let's Talk About Cancer
Today, 4th February is World Cancer Day. So let's take some time away from movies and films and selfies and water charges and talk about cancer.
What's that? You don't want to talk about cancer?
Yeah, tough shit.

The Starman
In the face of impending death, a man writes about...well, his impending death. He looks the grim reaper straight in the eye. And he smiles.
This is not a work of fiction: this is a true story that is hitting the news today.

Jam Of The Year
I've spent a lot of time alone with my Spotify and Apple Music accounts recently, and both are making various suggestions about what songs they think I like. They could be right, and they could be wrong.
My musical taste is weird and eclectic and I'm pretty proud of it. Because it encompasses most genres and just as much as I know what I like, I also know what I don't like, and why.

The Hades Contract: The Soundtrack
I write to music: it's my whole ~thing~. Always have done, probably always will.
A few months ago, I wrote a post that was a long time coming. My first novel, Godhead had a soundtrack (in my head) and although I had shared it with a few people, it was really time to get my finger out and discuss it properly.

The Music Of The Gods
Music is a massive part of my creative process; always has been, always will.
When I'm writing fiction, there are certain songs that put me in the mood for a certain piece or certain characters. Playlists make that process a hell of a lot easier; Spotify and similar streaming media make it easier to collect some of those songs together.
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