Let's Talk About Cancer
Today, 4th February is World Cancer Day. So let's take some time away from movies and films and selfies and water charges and talk about cancer.
What's that? You don't want to talk about cancer?
Yeah, tough shit.

Questions For Writers: Post-Game With Claire C Riley
In a time before BRAVE GODS was a thing, I posted some interview with fellow writers. Having deleted my old site, I wanted to keep come of the content.
This interview with Claire C Riley is from back in 2013 and shortly after the publication of her first novel, Limerence. Claire has since published the sequel, the successful Odium series of books, and has recently started working closely with Madeline Sheehan.

Why I'm Not Giving You A Freebie
It's been a long time since I last did this blogging thing (for the purposes of brevity, we'll just call it "blogging.") The world has changed; blogging has changed. And the good news is, so have I.
I spent a lot of time writing about other people's work, reviewing other people's stories; I've always wanted to make my own, and being away from blogging and that side of things is what encouraged me to do just that.
That's right; I wrote a book.

Looking Through The Rain: A Sneak Peak At “Heavy Rain”
We recently got a chance to meet with Guillaume de Fondaumiere, CEO of Quantic Dream and executive producer of Heavy Rain, who showed off two scenes from the game, spoke about its development and gave us the opportunity to play through one of these scenes. The experience left us adding Heavy Rain to the calendar and eager to see more.
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