Fragile Masculinity: The Westworld Penis
Who doesn't love a good penis?
Wait, don't answer that question: there's probably some sort of shame in your answer, the same type of shame I'm feeling for writing this piece.
AKA Nobody Move, Nobody Get Boiled - Jessica Jones, Season 2
When you, as a man, watch the second season of Jessica Jones, a TV series about a female superhero, a show that makes a point of utilising female directors, of getting released on International Women's you have any right or authority to comment?
Owning A Star Trek - Star Trek: Discover, Season 1
With Star Trek; Discovery episodic Star Trek, just like the olden days, has to work, right?
The Strain Or The Struggle
Somehow, I just couldn't (and still can't) find salvation in The Strain, either the books or the TV show.
I guess the clue is in the name, really?
Space, The Final Front-Bore
These are the voyages of the starship Orville. Its meaningless mission: to explore a world that has already been established; to seek out moments that are meant to be humorous (and aren't); to badly go where science fiction and comedy have probably gone before.
"Hey, there's a new Seth MacFarlane show on TV that's basically trying to do a comedy version of Star Trek. Will we give it a shot?"
Who Ranges The Power Rangers? - Power Rangers (2017)
It's been a long time since I've watched anything Power Rangers (but perhaps not as long as some people.) As a child, I watched the first incarnation of the show because it was full of superheroes, villains and mechs (I didn't fully know what mechs were at the time.) The show played with all my creative senses in ways I didn't understand at the time: my desire to have more of this world lead me to write about it, I suppose a childish version of fan-fiction. (I did the same for the X-Men cartoon and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.) These stories all taught me how to tell stories; what was my narrative aesthetic and what I liked (or hated) about characters and action.
Putting Your Dick In Crazy - Tom Hardy's Taboo (2017)
Saturday evening on the BBC: I think the polite term here is "fluffy," full of appointment-viewing that you're not exactly heart-broken to miss. (Doctor Who and Strictly Come Dancing are on the better end of the spectrum, some weeks anyway; then you have perpetual hanger-on Casualty, a show that's lasted longer than most of its patients.) Whatever some Whovians might insist (that's the word, right?) it's not that usual to find something meaty, substantial and enthralling on the Beeb of a Saturday night.
But that's enough about Tom Hardy, I should probably talk about the show.
Taboo brought sex and ultra-violence to Saturday viewing for a whole eight weeks, and on an evening usually reserved for fluff, the show tried hard to give Game Of Thrones a run for its money. It's a comparison that isn't entirely deserved: Taboo stood out on its own merits, but there were enough beats and faces that at least someone on the production office had to know what they were doing.
We Are Legi(x)n - Legion, Season 1
I'm now two whole episodes into Legion on FX and I'm sure I'm not the only person to come to something of a revelation: this may be the most X-Men thing to ever X-Men. Ever.
It's not a terribly big secret, but I guess it sort of is: I haven't noticed the word "mutant" being used ('s due in the third episode if I'm to believe the trailer) but it's probably starting to become obvious that the series is thinly connected to the X-Men universe. At this moment in time, main character David Haller (played by Dan Stevens) is the only characters to have a direct relative in the world of comic-books, but it's a pretty explicit connection.
That One Kids TV Show You Barely Remember
Over the last few months, I've noticed little things coming back. Whether it's my brain firing synapses that haven't been touched in a very long time or if it's that things from the past are becoming cool once more, I'm not entirely sure.
RETRO IS IN, I declare to nobody in particular.
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